Evergreen Trading


The resale protection we provide you for your excess inventory

A key component of most corporate trade arrangements is the sale of the excess inventory from the trading company to a third party. That third party might be a big box retailer, a discount liquidation chain, or any number of outlets selling consumer products. Regardless, most trade clients want to know that the resale of their excess inventory by the trading company will not interfere with the pricing and distribution of their first line goods.

This very valid concern is why Evergreen Trading created its “Inventory Protection Process”. The Inventory Protection Process is simply a set of guidelines that we apply to each client’s inventory to ensure that the pricing and distribution are aligned with the client’s sales strategies and primary product distribution. Some clients don’t care where and for how much their inventory is sold. For those who do, we have the answer. Evergreen’s Senior Vice President of Sales affirms, “Being able to offer these kinds of protections on the resale of inventory demonstrates to the client that we’re really thinking about their business needs. We become a true distribution partner with them.”

Inventory Protection Process provides clients with:

  • The freedom to restrict all accounts to whom you don’t want the product sold. You may have full price product on the shelves at certain retailers and do not wish to sell the excess inventory to nearby competitors. We will abide by those restrictions.
  • The ability to suggest specific accounts into which you would like the product sold. Often clients want the inventory to be sold to an important account.
  • Our ability to store the product if the entire inventory cannot be sold all at once. Price integrity can sometimes be maintained by selling small portions of an inventory at periodic intervals. We have warehouse facilities across the country which allow us to immediately rid you of the inventory while selling it off at lower quantities.
  • Guarantees that the product will be retailed at the account to whom it was originally sold. Our relationships with the retailers to whom we sell ensure that your product will not be re-wholesaled.
  • The option to have your inventory sold into non-traditional channels. We are very capable of selling an inventory into channels that consume the product rather than resell it. Those channels include prisons, charitable organizations, our friends and family network, and clusters of tiny retailers throughout the country.

Drop us a line.

We’ve helped some of the world’s top brands get more value out of their media buys and we can do the same for you. Ready to work with us? Still unsure? We’d love to hear from you.

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